In the late 1970s, Parton and Gallin shared an apartment that overlooked New York's Central Park. They only stayed there a few days out of the month to conduct business and work on music.
"We wanted a really comfortable place for people in the music business and, like, they didn't feel like they were coming into an office," Gallin told The New York Times in 1979.
Though she was willing to share an apartment with Gallin, she didn't want him stepping foot in her large Nashville home.
"She won't even let me come to her house in Nashville," Gallin explained.
"You got no business in my house," Parton responded. She reportedly only let a select few into the home that she shared with her husband, Carl Thomas Dean.
"I scouted all over Tennessee for a piece of land with hills in front and a stream around it. It's got a bitty bridge, and I made sure it's just narrow enough so's no tour bus can git over it. Carl and me can walk around stark naked there and nobody'd see. We have chickens and cows and a vegetable garden. It's a quiet, homey place for me and the special people in my life."