Lesson 1: How To Sketch?

Drawing is simply the process of layering shapes, lines, scribbles and values on top of each other until you get your desired result.

In this first lesson, we’re going to focus on the process of sketching. If you can make a mark on a piece of paper, you can learn how to sketch! You don’t need to be able to draw straight lines or perfect circles in order to be an artist.

Introduction to Sketching

Sketching is the process of roughly scribbling an idea on paper. It allows you to bring your ideas to life quickly so you can save time in the long run. It’s a great way to brainstorm!

In this first lesson, we’re going to focus on the process of sketching. If you can make a mark on a piece of paper, you can learn how to sketch! You don’t need to be able to draw straight lines or perfect circles in order to be an artist.   Introduction to Sketching Sketching is the process of roughly scribbling an idea on paper. It allows you to bring your ideas to life quickly so you can save time in the long run. It’s a great way to brainstorm!
The awesome thing about sketches is that they usually blend in or fade away while you continue to build upon the concept of your drawing. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes! This stage is meant for exploration! When I make a mistake, I find ways to use that mistake to my advantage. If I can’t, I’ll simply move on. Can you tell this sketch was created using one of the rough sketches above?  

How to Sketch

It’s best to use free flowing lines that are loosely and lightly drawn. To do that, adjust your grip on the pencil so that your hand is relaxed instead of tense. If your hand usually gets tired after you’ve drawn for less than an hour, you’re probably gripping it too tightly. It’s okay if your lines are wobbly because you may not be used to drawing certain lines and curves yet. Drawing is very different from writing, so you’ll need to improve your muscle memory by drawing as frequently as you can! When making an initial sketch, you’ll want to leave your perfectionism behind and focus on general shapes. Think about the size, shape, angle, etc. The last thing you want to think about is detail!  

Let’s Sketch Something Together! Since this is a sketching tutorial for beginners, I’m using my left hand (non-dominant hand) to show you that you don’t need to have good control of your hand in order to sketch well. Step 1: Sketch a circle loosely My lines are so wobbly! I sketched a circle using a bunch of loosely drawn lines. Don’t worry if your lines are going in weird directions. It’s likely that you’re not going to draw something perfect the first time around. That’s totally fine! Remember, we’re supposed to work in layers. Trade In And Experience More Why wait to upgrade?

Now's the time to trade in your old phone for the all-new Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra with a 200MP camera and stunning Nightography. SPONSORED BY SAMSUNG LEARN MORE Step 2: Refine the shape After your initial sketch, find areas that need improvement and sketch over it until you get closer to your desired result. Step 3: Keep refining Keep repeating that step until you get even closer to what you want. Tip: You can rotate your sketch book to help your eyes look at the shape differently.

You might spot some obvious areas that need fixing. Step 4: Define the shape Happy with how it looks overall? Use more confident lines to define the shape of your circle. You can erase the scribbly lines or let them disappear naturally as you continue to work on your drawing.   Like That Example? Here are Some More! After drawing all these examples and more using my non-dominant hand, I noticed some big improvements!
