There is nothing sweeter on this green earth than a new baby. But since babies don't come with a user manual, it can be easy for a parent to get worried about how much their little one is eating—is it enough? Should you feed more? Even funky diapers or sudden changes in sleep can throw a parent for a loop and set them up for a lot of worry.
To help ease these common fears, try , diaper changes, and sleep patterns. It's not as complicated as it sounds and can provide you and your pediatrician with valuable information for times when something seems off, like if your baby develops constipation or an allergy.
Here's everything you need to know about how to track your baby's feeding, diaper changes, and sleep.
Tracking your baby doesn't have to be overly complicated. For those who love keeping information all in one place, like an app, many free baby tracking apps are on the market now. For others, you can use a notepad, a Word or Google document, Excel, or even a printable from Pinterest.
Ensure that the tracking system you choose is easy to understand and follow. It helps if the tracker is also portable so that you can easily keep it with you throughout your day, especially if you're running errands or traveling.
Some important information to make sure you include in your tracker is:
Your child's pediatrician contact info and any appointmentsNote any allergies or health issues that anyone else reading the tracker should knowSpace to take short notes, such as medication schedules
One of the most common worries that new parents have is whether or not their baby is eating enough, especially breastfeeding parents, since you can't measure how much milk your baby is ingesting. Tracking feeding can help you feel more confident, plus it can also help you spot any potential issues like digestion issues or potential food sensitivities.
Here is what you need to know.
If you're breastfeeding, write down when you begin and end each nursing session, which breast you start on, whether you switch to the other breast, and how long you nurse on each breast. If you're bottle-feeding, track the time you begin and end each feeding session and the number of ounces your baby eats.
If your baby isn't gaining the recommended amount of weight for their age, a feeding chart may help your pediatrician figure out why. It will also clue you into your baby's hunger patterns, helping you to create a routine suited to your baby's needs.
Every infant has their own needs, so follow your baby's cues and consider this a guideline rather than a rule:
For , bottle-fed babies should drink about 2 to 3 ounces every 3 to 4 hours.
From the end of the first month until 6 months, they should consume about 4 to 6 ounces every 4 hours.
Breastfed babies will generally need to be fed for 20 to 60 minutes, eight to twelve times per day.
Diaper duty might be one of the most unpleasant jobs as a parent, but if your child is ever feeling under the weather, that dirty diaper can hold a wealth of information.
Too many dry diapers may mean dehydration. That diaper blowout? It could mean that your baby has diarrhea. Here's how to track diapers.
Take note of the number of wet and dirty diapers your baby produces daily. If your baby is experiencing constipation, diarrhea, or other bowel issues, track the color and consistency of their bowel movements. This information can help your pediatrician pinpoint a cause for that upset tummy.
The number of diapers your baby produces will help you determine whether they're eating enough and if there is a digestion or health issue.
Babies should generally produce about six wet diapers each day. If infants younger than 6 months produce little or no urine in 4 to 6 hours, they may be dehydrated, and a call to the pediatrician is warranted.
When you first bring your baby home, you will notice that they sleep a lot. But as your baby grows, new sleeping patterns will emerge that may leave you feeling mystified. One way to help identify any sleep issues is to track your baby's sleep schedules, including when they go to sleep, how long they sleep, and any problems that may arise.
To keep track of your baby's naps and nighttime sleep habits, write down the time you put your baby down and the time they wake up. It can also be helpful to note the reason your little one wakes up (hunger, wet diaper, interruptions, etc.)
Tracking your baby's snooze habits will let you know if they're sleeping the recommended number of hours for their age and can help you and your pediatrician devise a plan to prevent any setbacks from becoming habits. Disrupted sleep can also clue you into specific health issues, such as reflux. As with feeding, tracking your infant's sleep will also help you create a routine suited to their needs.
Newborns should sleep about 16 to 18 hours per day. Infants between 2 and 4 months of age generally sleep between 14 and 16 hours per day. Babies between 4 and 6 months typically sleep 14 to 15 hours per day, and babies 6 months and older generally sleep about 14 hours per day.