How to Draw a Baby’s Face / Head with Step by Step Drawing Instructions

Page : 1 2First of All, Thank you to Sycra for Allowing us to Use this Baby Drawing Tutorial! Do you want to learn how to draw a baby's face in the correct proportions? This is a great drawing tutorial for drawing babies in an illustrative style…with step by step drawing instructions.

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How to Draw a Baby's Face with Step by Step Drawing Instructions

Step 1

Firstly, start drawing the baby's face with a circle-like shape.

Step 2

Now draw a 'u' like shape under the circle for the chin and jaw line of the baby.

Step 3

Now draw a line in the center of the baby's head. The find the center of the bottom portion of the head…in other words, find the 1/2 point of the bottom half of the baby's face. Then put a dash in between the 2 centers as seen above. These guidelines will help you place the facial features correctly.

Step 4

Now start drawing the eyebrows on the half line ( as seen above).

Step 5

Now lightly draw the guidelines on the face (from step # 3). Draw the tops of the baby's eyes between the top 2 guidelines…as seen above.

Step 6

Draw the baby's nose on the half line.

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